Saturday, February 10, 2007

Will the road lead to a warmer climate?

There is nothing like working the overnight shift to kill your social life. I volunteered to help out and work the overnight for a little while. The money is good but unless I am out drinking or fucking around, I would rather be sleeping.

Years ago when I was trying to prove my heterosexuality (to myself anyway) I got involved with a woman who I have seen from time to time for great sex. She has been contacting me of late wanting to get together. Funny thing about it, if I am going to take the time to meet her I would rather meet a guy now instead. Haven't had any guy-to-guy sex in a while and missing it very much. Wish I had the balls to come out to my wife. I just want the ability to make the time without making excuses. I admit the skulking around does wear on me.

I see my old employee regularly because he still works for the company but in a different division. Every time I see him I just get hard thinking about our last encounter. I really am sexually attracted to him, plus a little fond of him also. That makes for the great sex I suppose. Wife was going out over the weekend and I found myself working overdrive to scheme a meeting with him. Unfortunately I could not pull it off. A little frustrating at times.

Have been thinking about moving to a warmer climate, actually been thinking about it for a few years now. Finally got my wife to consider it. Will be taking a trip down to the Daytona area soon, have some family there. Will check out housing and job market. Have not been enjoying the winters here for at least ten years now. Maybe it's time. Have been really restless lately......

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