Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Do we call it "coming out"?

Unless you work the night shift steady, flip flopping between shifts suck the life right out of you. Hopefully this will end soon. Haven’t had any quality time with my wife lately and hoping this weekend to do just that. Our relationship is in an unusual place right now. As I concentrate on my relationship with her, she seems to withdraw. Maybe she knows it’s coming. She has been really running hot and cold lately. From having great sex one night to cold and distant the next. Posts will most likely be short over the next few days, due to this flip flopping of shifts at work. I am as close as I have ever been to “coming out” so to speak.

1 comment:

raven said...

Hang in there man. Thinking about you. Just be sure that you have all that you want to say settled in your mind before getting into any conversation with her. And be prepared for any questions she might have. She might be expecting worse things given how you feel yourself withdrawing some of the time or feel like you're in a weird place. Be strong.