Saturday, January 19, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's been this long since I posted anything here. A few things have changed since I have been here last. I completed my schooling and am working in a completely different field. It took me two years of basically full time schooling to do it. Within a few months I found a job in the field and am currently very content with the job content. Unfortunetly I am making less money due to having to take an entry level position. My stress level has gone to almost zero compared to my long term employment in the social services.

For those of you who have read previous posts, a few referred to a coworker outing me at my previous job. As you can imagine it was quite a stressful event. I must say my coworkers seamed to have taken it as office gossip. This asshole continues to tell people about this event. As i have always been discrete about my bisexuality this was one weak moment that I regret. I thought I could trust him. I know famous last words. But anyway he no longer works for that organization either. The sex was good though...

On the home front, sex with my wife is almost non existent, even then it's very quick and really not satisfying. This is a woman in the past that I could not resist. I still love her and respect her with all my heart and soul and would never leave her over sex.

Having said that, I did meet a guy for sex a few months back that I am really fond of, a gay guy who is very gentle, attentive and is a really a nice guy. In the past my hook-ups were just that hook-ups for sex. This guy is a little different. Sex with this guy tends to be a passionate which I have not felt in a long time. He wants me to go away with him for a weekend. That idea really does interest and excite me. If would be difficult but it's doable. Well that's it for now. I will try to get back here asap.

1 comment:

J Z Brooklyn said...

Welcome back buddy! I haven't been keeping up with reading blogs lately. I set up the Google Reader just before I stopped reading and logged in for the first time today. I was shocked to see a new post next to your title! Looking forward to hearing more of your journey!