Wednesday, February 13, 2008


To the person who commented to me in private, ouch.... It has taken me this long to get back here because I was not sure how to respond. I have very mixed feelings about your comments. As a parent you want your kids to be happy. This is a very basic parental instinct. I do want to add that there is a child involved in this breakup. Having said that, I want my daughter to follow her bliss. If I have been hard on my daughter it's because I want her to make decisions out of clear and thoughtful thinking. I am not sure that she is doing this now. I am sure there is another guy in the picture, which is complicating matters. If after the requisite trying, counseling and talking period, she is still sure she wants out that is fine. But you just can't walk away on a whim. In retrospect, I might have shot from the hip on the last post. I was blowing off a little steam.

I do appreciate the comments if nothing else they make me think!

Things have let up a little or I just have a better outlook. Hey the days are getting longer, that's always a good thing. Running out of time, till the next time....

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