Monday, February 26, 2007
Is bisexuality only about sex?
Interestingly enough, I am the dominant personality in our relationship in general . I have always taken the lead in our sexual relations up until this ity bity turn of events. I agree with Erodoux I just would like to enjoy the benefit of my bisexuality with my wife. I really do not have a desire at this point to be with another woman. However I really need to be with another guy.
Maybe I am thinking too much? I seem to be spending a lot of time on all things bisexual lately. Is this a normal part of the process of coming out so to speak? I gotta go back to work….
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A missed opportunity
I do not want this blog to turn into my sexual exploits. It seems that has been my focus lately. Is my bisexuality totally about the act of sex only?
Last night during the course of our very heated lovemaking, we got into our little fantasy stories again. I told my wife about a fantasy of us and another guy. She seamed to be heated and into it as in the past. We made love for quite some time all the while fantasizing about another guy joining us in bed and engaging in bisexual activity. I made it very clear that I wanted to do this. However, after we were done and just laying in the afterglow, I did not pursue it any further. A total missed opportunity.
Going back to work tomorrow. Not really looking forward to the everyday grind. A lot of times I let it suck the life right out of me. Being in the social services has taken a toll on me, which is one of the reasons I have gone back to school. Will be making a career change within the next year that will remove me from being involved with total strangers’ problems. Soo looking forward to that!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Is it cheating???
First I want to say, I fully appreciate the comments I have received from Mark and Nate. I think they show a lot of integrity, in the true sense of the word. I could only wish that I reach that point with some sense of sanity.
I have been off from work all week. I have had time to relax from a very hectic schedule. Took some time to do some of the things I enjoy doing, cooked a few meals, spent some time with my wife and kids both together and separately, and generally just bummed around the house. I also had the time to make a few posts here, which probably will be cut down considerably once I go back to work.
I have no illusions about what it is called that I am doing. It is called cheating. I have been having sex outside of my marriage. I believe it doesn’t matter whether it is a male or female. Just for the record I have also had sex with females. Although it’s been quite some time and have been with mostly guys. Am I truly bisexual? I still enjoy sex with woman. I still enjoy the female body. But I also do enjoy sex with guys.
My wife and I have always had an active sex life. This included both fantasy stories we would tell one another as well as using toys. You see, this is where it gets tricky. She has used a strap-on on me and we have watched bi porn together. She is well aware of my excitement level, as we have done these various things. We are also regulars at Sandy Hook (nude beach). We go more then a few times a year and I usually pick a spot on the edge of the gay section. It doesn’t go un-noticed by her. She is also ok with me going to the beach alone for which I always sit in the gay section. Although she has never asked me where I sit when I go alone. She did ask me once during the course of sex if I have ever been with a guy. I didn’t want to lie, but I did feel that was not the moment to say yes. She has never asked again, but I do think she knows I lied that night. So I do think she does have some idea of my bisexuality, but still not sure how she will react when I actually say the words to her….
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Can you have your cake and eat it too???
I suppose I have “had my cake and ate it too” for a lot of years. For a lot of years I have enjoyed the spoils of bisexuality. I have had great sex with my wife and was able to successfully have great sex with guys. So the question remains, why am I having a difficult time with it now? Could it be that I was on automatic pilot? All the time this was going on, I was working on my career, bringing up kids and just dealing with family life in general. So I suppose I didn’t have time to really analyze what I was actually doing. As I said in previous posts, I was ok with the whole thing. I was getting what I needed.
Is this a mid life crisis? When I was younger I was always annoyed by the term “midlife crisis”. I always thought it better to say the guy was going through a “midlife course correction”. Unless he is going out and getting arrested or doing something suicidal, I don’t think the word crisis applies. What’s the harm in seeking out who is within? I guess it would be a crisis for the others involved but not actually for him. So the question remains. Is this a “midlife course correction” for me? I will leave all of these questions for now.
I want talk about Staten Island for a few minutes. Staten Island is a borough of New York City. It is two miles from Brooklyn and about 6 miles from the tip of Manhattan. However, sometimes you would think the island was really hundreds of miles away. Most Staten Islanders by far are very conservative, some almost to the point of narrow mindedness. I know some islanders who have never traveled into Manhattan. I know a little scary! I don’t want to sound pretentious but I think I have outgrown this place. It really has gotten stale for me. The one thing I do want to add, there are more married bisexual guys on Staten Island then anyone would want to admit. I know I have met many.
This is for Mark. Please feel free to comment any time. I realize you are further along on this journey then I am and have greater perspective. Also when you say take a step back, do you mean to stop having sex with guys? Curious, because that would really take an effort on my part. As you could see I am very much in the questioning stage. Till the next time…..
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Some time off......
I think the weather here is starting to get to me. The winter has been mild up until a few weeks ago. Then we had the bitter cold and just recently snow/ice storm. On top of that I have been working the overnight. Bored with it all. On vacation this week, time to remember who I am. Had a busy weekend but now things have slowed down. Will be doing some projects around the house that I have been putting off. Have been cruising CL to see if I can hook-up with someone. I know I have said this before but need some male-to-male contact real soon. Especially that sex with wife has not been satisfying. I will also work on that some more this week. I really need to know if it is her, or am I giving off some vibe. I think spending some time with her this week will be a good thing. I really do want back our old sex life.
Monday, February 19, 2007
What's next?
I have been working the overnight shift lately to help out at work. I have had A lot of time to think about things, maybe too much time. I have not had any male-to-male action in a while and want to badly. Sex with my wife has not been very often and even then it’s not been satisfying. I really do think she has lost interest in sex. I have tried a lot of things to make it more interesting, but she really hasn’t responded. I think she just goes through the motions to please me. I fucking hate it, I can just as well jerk off. I am not sure what to make of this latest development. Am I sending some signal that she is picking up on? We used to have a great and active sex life. I am bored to death with it now.
I have been thinking seriously about having the discussion with her about my bisexuality. I realize once the can of worms is opened it can never be closed, so I will be very careful about my decision to do it. We are on vacation this week together with no plans to go anywhere. Maybe this would be a good week to do it. I have been feeling very down lately, kind of dissatisfied with the direction of my life. I am at the stage in my life where the kids are grown and out of the house, reasonably financially ok and in good health. What next? I have waited a long time for this and now comes the restlessness. I have been growing up kids since I was 20. Is it my time now? As I proofread this I realize it sounds like I am rambling on. I guess I am!
I have had contact with my friend from work. He always makes me feel good when I talk to him. We will try to get together this week. Sex with him has always been hot and I look forward to getting together.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Will the road lead to a warmer climate?
Years ago when I was trying to prove my heterosexuality (to myself anyway) I got involved with a woman who I have seen from time to time for great sex. She has been contacting me of late wanting to get together. Funny thing about it, if I am going to take the time to meet her I would rather meet a guy now instead. Haven't had any guy-to-guy sex in a while and missing it very much. Wish I had the balls to come out to my wife. I just want the ability to make the time without making excuses. I admit the skulking around does wear on me.
I see my old employee regularly because he still works for the company but in a different division. Every time I see him I just get hard thinking about our last encounter. I really am sexually attracted to him, plus a little fond of him also. That makes for the great sex I suppose. Wife was going out over the weekend and I found myself working overdrive to scheme a meeting with him. Unfortunately I could not pull it off. A little frustrating at times.
Have been thinking about moving to a warmer climate, actually been thinking about it for a few years now. Finally got my wife to consider it. Will be taking a trip down to the Daytona area soon, have some family there. Will check out housing and job market. Have not been enjoying the winters here for at least ten years now. Maybe it's time. Have been really restless lately......
Monday, February 5, 2007
A little further down the road...
It is quite difficult to meet safe and sane guys or , although I have been lucky, you see I am totally straight acting and looking. I am just a regular guy with a secret. I would never hint at or hit on any of my friends for fear of exposure.
I am right now involved sexually with a former employee who was gay and out. We went out for a drink on his last day working for me and he hit on me and I caved in. He is a great guy, just a little fem but very cool. I actually envy his ability to be out and comfortable with his sexuality.
This is a new thing for me as I never had a sexual relationship with someone I new before. It really seems to be going OK at the moment. Well that's all for now